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Ready to Unfilter the Facts?

Join the revolution empowering Hamilton youth with the uncensored facts about tobacco and vaping products and the industries that market them.

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The Vaping Industry

Don’t be a target.

fruit icon

True or False

Flavours are used to hook youth.


A recent Canadian study showed that almost all youth who vape choose flavoured vapes, with fruit being the most common. 1 2
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quit smoking icon

True or False

Vaping products are made for adults to quit smoking.


Vaping products have never been approved as a tool to help people quit.8 The industry wants you to think they are helping people quit. The truth is that youth who vape are 3.6 times9 more likely to smoke later in life, and the industry wants new customers. Getting into the vape business makes Big Tobacco billions more and gives a new way to get new customers addicted to nicotine.10
social media icons

True or False

The industry targets youth through social media ads.


Even though there are laws to prevent the industry from advertising to youth, websites and social media are the most common places that Canadian youth report seeing vape ads.5 Social media influencers are paid to promote vapes (even though they don’t tell you) and often share their content with underage youth.6 This is a problem because seeing vape ads on screen is known to be linked to increased vape use. 6
brain icon

True or False

Vapes are marketed to youth to help relieve stress.


Vape companies are using the same tricks as the tobacco industry – saying vaping is a form of “stress relief.”3 The truth is, vaping nicotine can increase or worsen stress, anxiety and depression.4
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thinking icon

True or False

Disposable vapes contain low amounts of nicotine.


Over 90% of disposable vapes contain the highest amounts of nicotine. The industry is increasing the nicotine and decreasing the prices of the high nic products. They know nicotine is addictive and they are trying to get you hooked! 7
Be School. Know the facts

Ontario youth who report vaping in the past 30-days (2021-2022)


Grades 7-12


Grades 7-9


Grades 10-12


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Join Hamilton youth as they learn the uncensored facts about tobacco and vaping products and stand up against the industries that market them.


Unfiltered Facts (UFF) is a grassroots youth movement. It started in the year 2000 when a group of Hamilton youth discovered that the tobacco industry was targeting them and lying about their products. They saw how the industry wanted to get them hooked so they would become lifelong customers. These youth knew they had to expose the truth and fight for change – thus, UFF advocates were born!

Our mission is not against people who smoke or vape. Our goal is to provide the unfiltered facts so youth can make informed decisions and have a voice in issues that directly affect their health.


UFF is a hub where Hamilton youth can get info and tools so they can educate their peers and take action against the tobacco and vaping industries. Whether you’re into social justice or a member of a school or community group, UFF has ready-to-use campaigns and other ideas to help you get started. You can also connect with other groups who share the same passion.

Check out our Instagram!

Join the revolution empowering Hamilton youth with the uncensored facts about tobacco and vaping products and the industries that market them.

Safer and Healthier Environments

By sharing your experiences, you contribute to the collective effort of creating safer and healthier environments for our generation.

Ryan, Student

Have Your Say

Supporting Your Community

The best part of being part of the Health & Wellness Council is that I feel like I am part of a community. I have developed many friendships and have learned from the adult mentors on the Council. I enjoy being able to make a difference in my school community by helping and supporting my peers.

Marisa, Student

Positive Youth Outcomes

Being part of the Unfiltered Facts (UFF) program has shown me the depth of impact youth-led initiatives have, not only in public health promotion, but also in leadership development and self-growth. This team puts their trust in youth, and the youth rise to the challenge.

Empowered Youth

We keep doing what we do because the youth we engage tell us that they feel they are inspired, empowered and motivated to take what they learn from us and take it back to their schools or make a change in their own lives.

Melody, Student

Authentic Youth Engagement

Authentic youth engagement also benefits the school community as youth are more likely to identify strategies that are current and resonate with their peers.

Margot & Carol, Public Health Nurses

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