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Take Action

Whether you are fighting for change in your school, community or online, we are here to help and provide you with some examples and tips for creating change.


We believe that action starts with education.

student pointing


Remember to always apply tobacco industry denormalization (TID) strategies. Messages should always shift blame away from the user and back on to the industry.

Learn it!

It is important that you really know and understand the issue.

  • Research the topic
  • Get facts from credible sources
  • Learn about both sides of the issue
  • Stay up-to-date with current issues

Know the rules

Learn about what rules or laws are already in place. This will help you decide what it is you want or need to change.

Know the people

Learn about everyone involved in the issue.

  • Who will be affected by the change you are looking to make?
  • Who are the decision-makers?
  • Who are you going to target with your messages?
  • Who are your allies?
    • What groups are already taking action on the issue?
    • Who can help you?

Teach ‘em

Educate others. Get the word out. Spread awareness about the issue, the impacts, what they can do, and what will happen if nothing changes.


The goal of mobilizing is to influence others to take action and create change.

Student pointing

Empower ‘em

Show others all the good things about being involved.

  • Skill building
  • Connections – making friends
  • Creating positive change
  • Contributing to improved health of others, younger/future generations

Stand up and stand out!

Come up with creative ways to get people’s attention. Think about who you are targeting with your message and the best way to connect with them.

Organize, set goals, and decide on a call to action.

Decide what it is you want changed. Have a set goal and a clear message. People will take you more seriously and will be more likely to join in.

Answer these questions to help you develop a message:

  1. What is the issue?
  2. What do you want changed?
  3. What might happen if it doesn’t get changed?
  4. What can you ask others to do about it?


Great advocacy is a way of not only making people aware about your issue, but to make them care enough about it, so that they will follow in the action! Check out the UNICEF Youth Advocacy Toolkit that guides you though a plan to develop an advocacy campaign.

Call to action

A call to action is what you want people to do. It is what is going to help create change. Your call to action can be as simple as sending them to your groups’ Instagram to follow you and learn more information or to spread awareness by liking and sharing your content. The call to action is super important! You need people to do something after you have taught them about the issue. This is what is going to show decision makers that others really care about the issue and that something needs to be done to change it. It will also make your message engaging and memorable, affecting people’s behavior and attitude towards the issue.

Some common advocacy methods

  • Petitions (sample)
  • Letter writing or postcard campaign
  • Letters to the editor or opinion piece (sample)
  • Making a phone call

All systems are a go! Time to take action!

Here are some tips and examples of ways that you can create change in your schools, community, and online around the issue of tobacco use and vaping. These are just some examples that we have come up with to guide and inspire you! Be creative, research what other groups have done and are doing to create change!

student smiling

In Your School

Be a leader, get involved, and use your voice to make school a healthier place for all students.

Join your school’s Health Action Team (HAT) to help students learn more about health and well-being, and advocate for positive changes in your school. Work with your HAT to take action to reduce youth tobacco use and vaping – your School Public Health Nurse can help!
Some ideas you could add to your HAT’s action plan could be:

  • A video for the school website or morning announcements
  • An assembly or guest speaker
  • A live vape-free pledge or contest

Check out our Unfiltered Facts campaigns for more ideas and tools for action in your school.

In Your Community

Make an impact in your community by joining other youth to work for change.

Find out if there are other groups in your community that are fighting for the same or similar causes and
support each other.

  • Join @HamOntYouth to get involved in the Hamilton community. You can build your leadership skills, meet other advocates, and voice your ideas to create a more youth-friendly city.
  • If you live in Ward 10 (Lower Stoney Creek, Fruitland or Winona), sign up to join the Ward 10 Youth Council to have your voice heard at City Hall!
  • Health Canada’s Youth Leadership Team (tobacco control and vaping)


Go online to learn the truth and connect with other advocates working to stand up against the tobacco and vape industry.
  • Follow @unfiltered_facts to engage in health advocacy and share with your peers the unfiltered facts about health issues that affect them.
  • Follow @hamontyouth to find programs, services, jobs and ways to get involved in the community.
  • Check out Lung Health Foundation e-modules to learn how to advocate and fight back against an industry that kills!
  • Visit the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to see how other youth are fighting for a tobacco and nicotine-free generation.
  • Check out our Unfiltered Facts campaigns for more ideas, tools, and platforms for action online.


The number one way to stick it to the industry is to never start or take steps to quit using their products.

Download Quash – a judgement-free app to help you quit smoking or vaping the way you want!
Download Stop Vaping Challenge – an app for you to reflect on your vaping behaviours and patterns and quit with friends in a social way.
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